Monday, January 6, 2014


“Goodness comes to us in a variety of forms.  There are those obvious acts that are easily recognized and appreciated, but then there are those subtle acts, those that may not be recognized at first glance, that can change us forever.”


Happy (belated) New Year!

Good Morning guys and gals and Happy (belated) New Year!

I decided to take on blogging this year, something which I've only attempted to try maybe a handful of times in my life. I always have so many different thoughts running through my head and what better way to express them than through blogging? Am I right? Not that anyone will probably read my posts, but hey you never know! Whether it is food related (a new recipe that I may have tried or created), fitness oriented (run run run!) or daily struggles, thoughts or emotions that we all may face.....

So sit back, relax and enjoy some humor that I refer to as my life!

Katie- xoxo